The Power of Laughter and More with special guest Karen Drucker

The day we recorded this magical episode, we were thrilled to welcome Karen Drucker, the incredible singer songwriter, author and comedienne, to join us in the Spiritual Sandbox. Sing along to the heart opening music, sing out loud to your Soul and allow yourself to soar with us. You know that gorgeous music we use for our intro and outro? That's the music of Karen Drucker!

This episode overflows with practical wisdom and laughter that will immediately shift you into greater joy! Through Karen's intentions of being a healing presence in the world, she's created an abundance of amazing songs that remind us about our power to heal mind-body-spirit, to tune into the love & of course, to raise our vibes through ease, simplicity, play and fun!

Woven into our co-creative tapestry you'll hear about:

*Healing the world through kindness and self love
*Our reflections about the challenges and expanded opportunities of the pandemic
*No Is My New Yes... the title of one of Karen's awesome songs
*You'll even hear a song in the making in this episode when Karen got inspired to create a new song sparked by our dynamic, delightful conversation! So awesome!!
*The popular song she wrote in 5 minutes that everyone loves so much!
*How Karen wrote a song about triggers! And what to do about those pesky, aggravating aspects of life and the true purpose & gifts within our triggers.
*And... what does her blue bike have to do with all of this??

Spiritual Podcast


Dissolving The Shackles of co-dependency


The Shaky Ground of Self questioning