Work closely with me:

My offerings are about empowering people to take charge of their well being, to identify thought patterns & beliefs about the self & the world that are limiting and have become obstacles to living fully. To acknowledge & confront those beliefs & fears and create shifts from deep within. Through these processes we liberate ourSelves from our patterns of suffering. Everything that impacts our whole being, our physical & energetic body, mind and spirit.

Coming into acceptance of what IS in our lives and bringing with it more compassion, joy, Aliveness,  inner peace & clear inner guidance.
I utilize different modalities; Energy Medicine, Breathwork Medicine ,Integrative bodywork, intuitive guidance and sacred plant & animal medicines. All woven together to support you on your healing and empowerment journey in the deepest, most effective and simple way possible. 

  • Energy Medicine & Reiki

    Energy medicine works on all four levels—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual and focuses on your energy field to help activate your energy centers & stimulate greater vitality & flow, clear blockages and bring it into balance. Energy medicine helps you experience your sovereign nature which allows the reveal of patterns that are not serving you so you can heal from deep within. It helps to clear your energy blueprint from old imprinting and conditioning that keep you repeating those patterns unconsciously.

    It also helps to facilitate a deep connection with Pachamama (Mother Earth) and the Universe, taking you on a deep journey into your soul and feeling One with All That Is.

    (Many report feeling uncomfortable at first, in the quietude of your own space, as it is unfamiliar, yet is what your soul has been yearning for… hearing your own voice in the choir and feeling who you truly are and were born to be..).

    Reiki works on all four levels—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual as well. It utilizes universal life force energy to work with healing the subtle energy body, flowing through the affected parts of your energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises awareness in and around the physical body where negative thoughts and feelings are contained. This causes the negative energy—such as stress, anxiety, grief, physical pain, sadness, confusion, fogginess, etc.—to loosen its grip, allowing through the touch of the Reiki healer to clarify the energy pathways. It also helps to unwind and relax the nervous system, take the charge out of trauma energy held in the body so that you feel safer to work with it to heal. Bringing a greater sense of safety, inner peace, child like wonder & greater inner resource.

  • Breathwork Medicine (Clarity Breathwork +)

    Clarity Breathwork at its core is about empowered surrender. It’s a profound, powerful yet gentle process for transformation, transmutation and healing on all levels. It helps us to bypass the conscious mind, disrupt the constant flow of deeply ingrained unconscious thoughts & beliefs that limit us and run our lives. Face and clear emotional patterns, old energies, conditioning, imprinting and open up to experience our essential, authentic Divine Self and to greater awakened consciousness. When we breathe more fully & consciously, we are able to release what we've been holding and open to profound expansion of consciousness, greater Self Love, forgiveness & Acceptance of Ife and all its blessings. We are able to release stress, tension,grief, anger, shame, resolve trauma, clear memory on a cellular level, gain deeper insights into our life and current circumstances, compassionately hold ourSelves accountable & own our experience, and access our own internal higher guidance, healing energy, creativity and greater knowing.

    Breathwork helps to surrender to your human experience, heart’s guidance and your co-created plan with the Universe for your life’s mission/life purpose.

    It allows us to feel unfelt emotions, bringing them into conscious awareness where we can then work with them to bring healing. Learn what we need to learn, gain new perspective and write a new narrative for our lives.

    Through this powerful medicine, we are able to establish new beliefs that support our growth and expansion, trust in ourselves, and to actuate our intentions.

    Breathwork forges a path into Presence, self-forgiveness, self- acceptance, & self-love, which we then naturally extend to others. Through conscious breathing we are able to access a direct experience with our essential self and we arrive at greater awareness and clear inner guidance

    The breath is so powerful- We can work with the breath to explore and discover patterns established in the womb through to now! Work with your conception energy, womb- time, birth script, early childhood through to adulthood.

  • Integrative bodywork:

    Everything is rooted and stored in the body; we hold memory on a cellular level, in the muscles, facia, tissues, organs, ligaments, bones, skin, etc.

    Our physical body reflects our deep mental and emotional holding patterns. Your body will benefit from receiving informed touch. Assisting you to in release these deeply ingrained patterns, clearing space to actively create new ones that help you to ground in, be present in your body and integrate; make tangible in your body the growth you experience. This is essential in helping to teach your biology and integrate new insights and healing and in getting traction with all your hard work.

    We work with the body to stimulate it’s innate wisdom and healing abilities, giving back to it for all it does for you. To help it relax, feel good, balanced & energized.

    Through tending to the body in this way, you will learn how to listen to it with love & compassion so that you can provide it with what it needs.

    I utilize specific hands on bodywork techniques woven with energy healing to facilitate this, depending on what you are working with. Your treatment is unique to you.

    Healing touch is essential to our health and wellbeing, and so many of us are not used to being touched with love, care & compassion- this is also foundational to our feeling safe within ourselves and in the world.

  • Plant Medicine Integration Support

    How often have you gone away on a spiritual retreat, only to come back home feeling lost, confused and unclear about how to “translate” what you just went through into your daily life?

    How often have you heard yourself or others ask “how do I go back to the real world now..”?

    How often have you come back with the question spinning inside you “what now?”... “how do I do this??”..

    You may fear that you will have lost and forgotten the magic and profundity of your experience..

    How will you learn how to change the course of your life, if your spiritual life is compartmentalized?

    This is where you put into motion the revelations, insights, guidance and growth you work so hard for.

    I’m here to support you in integrating what came up for you during your plant medicine experience. Utilizing different modalities to help you move forward with greater clarity, inner resources & inner guidance.

    To get more traction on your path & empower you to identify thought , belief & emotional patterns about yourSelf & the world that are limiting and keeping you “on repeat mode”. To acknowledge & confront those patterns and create shifts in all directions from deep within.